How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!)

All the articles in your blog will be meaningless if nobody knows that they exist. So to increase the chances for your target audience to discover you and the valuable content that you have created, you need to find ways to get free high quality backlinks for your blog.

‘Backlinks’ are sites that link to your website. When you get authoritative websites linking to your blog, this will be good for SEO and you will start gain more organic traffic as your blog ranking will increase and your articles will become more visible in search engine results.

Below are my easy methods on How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!):-

Blog and Niche Directories

Once your blog has a few articles, you can submit your blog to blog and niche directories. Although some of these directories may require you to pay a minimum fee to be featured on their directories, you can still find a lot of directories that will feature your blog and provide a backlink to it for free.

Create High Quality Content

Focus on preparing great content that is valuable to your target audience. Although there are some exceptions, but the following content formats have higher chances in getting backlinks compared to others:-

  • ‘How to’ posts
  • List posts
  • ‘Why’ Posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Quizzes
  • Posts about myths and common mistakes

When you create high quality content that are both interesting and compelling, people would love to share them with others without hesitating. So this will help you to get more backlinks for your blog.

Produce Trending, Viral or Controversial Content

Apart from creating high quality content, you can also choose to feature trending and controversial content in your blog articles. These are also the types of content that will attract backlinks to your blog. Although it is not always possible, but try to strive towards creating content that can go viral. You can choose to focus on an unusual topic, discovery or unforeseen angle when creating your articles for in hopes that they may go viral. When your articles actually do go viral, you will receive so many backlinks for your blog!

Publish ‘The Ultimate Guide’ Articles

Whenever you write on a particular topic, search for other articles feature the same topic. Brainstorm on ways you can make your article even better compared to all the articles that are at the top of search engines. Strive towards creating ‘The Ultimate Guide’ articles that your readers can refer to without reading other articles. When you publish ‘The Ultimate Guide’ articles, you will find so many people linking back to your blog.

Submit Articles to Social Bookmarking Sites

You can choose to promote your blog articles using social bookmarking sites. These websites are designed to help people to store, search, organize and share web pages, videos or images. Examples of social bookmarking sites are Reddit, Digg, Twitter, Pinterest, Pocket, Slashdot, and We Hear It.

Use Social Media to Promote Articles

After completing each of your blog articles, remember to promote them in your chosen social media channels. Choose the social media channels that are used by your target audience regularly. So when you promote your articles, the chances of you getting backlinks to your blog will be high!

Submit Articles to Blogging Communities

Submit your blog articles to blogging communities so that more people will discover your valuable content. You can start by sharing your articles to Blog Engage, Kingged, DoSplash, Klinkk and Blokube. When you do this, you will have a greater chance at getting free backlinks to your blog.

Contribute Guest Posts on Other Blogs

Another way to do link building is to write guest posts for other blogs that are related to your niche. By offering to write articles for other blogs, you will increase your audience reach. And in return, the blog owner hosting your guest post will be more than willing to provide a link back to your blog.

Forum Signature

Participating in industry-related online forums are a great way at getting your name out there to your target audience. And if you are a regular participant in these forums and have earned your way into these communities, you may be able to feature a link back to your blog from your forum signature.

Be Active in Facebook Groups

Apart from online forums, being active in Facebook Groups related to your niche may also give you the exposure you need to get more backlinks. When you provide valuable advice to the members in the Facebook Groups that you join, people will want to know more about what you do. And if you have a link to your blog in your Facebook profile, people will begin to discover your blog. And if they like what you write about, they may link back to your blog.

Interview Popular Bloggers Related to Your Niche

You can create content around a specific trending topic and interview popular bloggers related to your niche to share their opinions on that topic and include their comments in your piece of content while linking back to their blogs. Once you have completed your work and have featured it in your blog, you can email them to let them know about it and ask if they would be willing to share your content in their blogs and social media channels.

Mention About Other Influencers in Your Articles

Alternatively, you can get some quotes and inspiration from the content produced by top influencers in your field to produce your next piece of content. And in your content, you can mention the quotes from these influencers and how they have inspired your work. After doing so, you can email the influencers letting them know about it and ask if they would be happy to share your content in their blogs and social media channels.

Comment on DoFollow Blogs

A more passive way to get easy backlinks is to comment on other blogs. However, to make the time you have invested in commenting worthwhile, remember to comment on DoFollow blogs. DoFollow blogs are good because they will help you to increase your authority when you comment. There are a number of Add-Ons you can install on your web browser to find out whether a blog is a DoFollow blog. Remember to provide a link back to your blog when commenting.

Become a Source for Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

You can widen your audience reach by contributing articles through HARO. When you register as a source, you will receive requests from publications who might be able to reach your target audiences. Look out for requests that are related to the topics that are valuable to your target audiences. Once you have identified a request that best suits your niche, send a brief and valuable pitch to the journalist. When you get featured in the publications requesting for information, you will be rewarded with a free backlinks to your blog from authoritative sites.

Get Links from Outdated Resources / Broken Links

This is one of the fastest ways you can get high quality backlinks for your blog. If you are constantly staying in touch with the latest news about your industry, you will find out about companies changing names, shutting down, discontinuing certain services or moving to a new URL. You can then use a backlink checking tool like Ahrefs to check find the websites that are linking to that old URL.

You can then contact the webmaster of those websites to let them know about the broken links. Provide them with the exact links that are broken and inform them about potential resources they can link to. Include your website as one of the resources. The webmaster will be more than happy to link back to your website because you have helped them out.

You can also use this same method to get backlinks to your blog by simply searching for websites in your industry that have outdated resource pages.

Once you have found these websites with resource pages, run them trough the backlink checking tool to see what are their broken links and repeat the process in informing them about useful resources they can link to, which include link/s to your blog!

Contact Websites / Blogs Mentioning About You

Sometimes, people may mention about you or your blog in their website without linking back to your blog. The fact that they have mentioned about you or your blog means that they already like what you do and what you share. So getting backlinks from these people will be very easy. All you have to do is send the webmaster an email to politely let them know about how you found out about their content and how they have quoted or mentioned about you. Then let them know how you would appreciate it if they link back to your blog. They would be most willing to help you out!

Review Products Related to Your Niche

You can also review products that are related to your niche and feature your reviews in your blog articles. After featuring your review, you can reach out to the PR team of the brand you have mentioned by email and include a link to your article. In your email, ask them whether they can share your article on their social media channels or on their product page.

Build Your Internal Links

You can also use internal links to connect the different articles that you have written that are related to one another. You can use anchor texts for this purpose. Good internal linking will help your readers to navigate your blog easily and increase your overall user experience. This will be good for SEO too.

And this sums up my easy methods on How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!). Have you used any of these strategies and found successful results for your blog before? If yes, let me know in the comments section below. And if you like what I have shared and would love to receive my future blog updates, don’t forget to join my newsletter by requesting my ‘7 Copywriting Mistakes’ free guide below.


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