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How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!)

All the articles in your blog will be meaningless if nobody knows that they exist. So to increase the chances for your target audience to discover you and the valuable content that you have created, you need to find ways to get free high quality backlinks for your blog.

‘Backlinks’ are sites that link to your website. When you get authoritative websites linking to your blog, this will be good for SEO and you will start gain more organic traffic as your blog ranking will increase and your articles will become more visible in search engine results.

Below are my easy methods on How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!):-

Blog and Niche Directories

Once your blog has a few articles, you can submit your blog to blog and niche directories. Although some of these directories may require you to pay a minimum fee to be featured on their directories, you can still find a lot of directories that will feature your blog and provide a backlink to it for free.

Create High Quality Content

Focus on preparing great content that is valuable to your target audience. Although there are some exceptions, but the following content formats have higher chances in getting backlinks compared to others:-

  • ‘How to’ posts
  • List posts
  • ‘Why’ Posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Quizzes
  • Posts about myths and common mistakes

When you create high quality content that are both interesting and compelling, people would love to share them with others without hesitating. So this will help you to get more backlinks for your blog.

Produce Trending, Viral or Controversial Content

Apart from creating high quality content, you can also choose to feature trending and controversial content in your blog articles. These are also the types of content that will attract backlinks to your blog. Although it is not always possible, but try to strive towards creating content that can go viral. You can choose to focus on an unusual topic, discovery or unforeseen angle when creating your articles for in hopes that they may go viral. When your articles actually do go viral, you will receive so many backlinks for your blog!

Publish ‘The Ultimate Guide’ Articles

Whenever you write on a particular topic, search for other articles feature the same topic. Brainstorm on ways you can make your article even better compared to all the articles that are at the top of search engines. Strive towards creating ‘The Ultimate Guide’ articles that your readers can refer to without reading other articles. When you publish ‘The Ultimate Guide’ articles, you will find so many people linking back to your blog.

Submit Articles to Social Bookmarking Sites

You can choose to promote your blog articles using social bookmarking sites. These websites are designed to help people to store, search, organize and share web pages, videos or images. Examples of social bookmarking sites are Reddit, Digg, Twitter, Pinterest, Pocket, Slashdot, and We Hear It.

Use Social Media to Promote Articles

After completing each of your blog articles, remember to promote them in your chosen social media channels. Choose the social media channels that are used by your target audience regularly. So when you promote your articles, the chances of you getting backlinks to your blog will be high!

Submit Articles to Blogging Communities

Submit your blog articles to blogging communities so that more people will discover your valuable content. You can start by sharing your articles to Blog Engage, Kingged, DoSplash, Klinkk and Blokube. When you do this, you will have a greater chance at getting free backlinks to your blog.

Contribute Guest Posts on Other Blogs

Another way to do link building is to write guest posts for other blogs that are related to your niche. By offering to write articles for other blogs, you will increase your audience reach. And in return, the blog owner hosting your guest post will be more than willing to provide a link back to your blog.

Forum Signature

Participating in industry-related online forums are a great way at getting your name out there to your target audience. And if you are a regular participant in these forums and have earned your way into these communities, you may be able to feature a link back to your blog from your forum signature.

Be Active in Facebook Groups

Apart from online forums, being active in Facebook Groups related to your niche may also give you the exposure you need to get more backlinks. When you provide valuable advice to the members in the Facebook Groups that you join, people will want to know more about what you do. And if you have a link to your blog in your Facebook profile, people will begin to discover your blog. And if they like what you write about, they may link back to your blog.

Interview Popular Bloggers Related to Your Niche

You can create content around a specific trending topic and interview popular bloggers related to your niche to share their opinions on that topic and include their comments in your piece of content while linking back to their blogs. Once you have completed your work and have featured it in your blog, you can email them to let them know about it and ask if they would be willing to share your content in their blogs and social media channels.

Mention About Other Influencers in Your Articles

Alternatively, you can get some quotes and inspiration from the content produced by top influencers in your field to produce your next piece of content. And in your content, you can mention the quotes from these influencers and how they have inspired your work. After doing so, you can email the influencers letting them know about it and ask if they would be happy to share your content in their blogs and social media channels.

Comment on DoFollow Blogs

A more passive way to get easy backlinks is to comment on other blogs. However, to make the time you have invested in commenting worthwhile, remember to comment on DoFollow blogs. DoFollow blogs are good because they will help you to increase your authority when you comment. There are a number of Add-Ons you can install on your web browser to find out whether a blog is a DoFollow blog. Remember to provide a link back to your blog when commenting.

Become a Source for Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

You can widen your audience reach by contributing articles through HARO. When you register as a source, you will receive requests from publications who might be able to reach your target audiences. Look out for requests that are related to the topics that are valuable to your target audiences. Once you have identified a request that best suits your niche, send a brief and valuable pitch to the journalist. When you get featured in the publications requesting for information, you will be rewarded with a free backlinks to your blog from authoritative sites.

Get Links from Outdated Resources / Broken Links

This is one of the fastest ways you can get high quality backlinks for your blog. If you are constantly staying in touch with the latest news about your industry, you will find out about companies changing names, shutting down, discontinuing certain services or moving to a new URL. You can then use a backlink checking tool like Ahrefs to check find the websites that are linking to that old URL.

You can then contact the webmaster of those websites to let them know about the broken links. Provide them with the exact links that are broken and inform them about potential resources they can link to. Include your website as one of the resources. The webmaster will be more than happy to link back to your website because you have helped them out.

You can also use this same method to get backlinks to your blog by simply searching for websites in your industry that have outdated resource pages.

Once you have found these websites with resource pages, run them trough the backlink checking tool to see what are their broken links and repeat the process in informing them about useful resources they can link to, which include link/s to your blog!

Contact Websites / Blogs Mentioning About You

Sometimes, people may mention about you or your blog in their website without linking back to your blog. The fact that they have mentioned about you or your blog means that they already like what you do and what you share. So getting backlinks from these people will be very easy. All you have to do is send the webmaster an email to politely let them know about how you found out about their content and how they have quoted or mentioned about you. Then let them know how you would appreciate it if they link back to your blog. They would be most willing to help you out!

Review Products Related to Your Niche

You can also review products that are related to your niche and feature your reviews in your blog articles. After featuring your review, you can reach out to the PR team of the brand you have mentioned by email and include a link to your article. In your email, ask them whether they can share your article on their social media channels or on their product page.

Build Your Internal Links

You can also use internal links to connect the different articles that you have written that are related to one another. You can use anchor texts for this purpose. Good internal linking will help your readers to navigate your blog easily and increase your overall user experience. This will be good for SEO too.

And this sums up my easy methods on How to Get Free High Quality Backlinks for Your Blog (Even When Nobody Knows You!). Have you used any of these strategies and found successful results for your blog before? If yes, let me know in the comments section below. And if you like what I have shared and would love to receive my future blog updates, don’t forget to join my newsletter by requesting my ‘7 Copywriting Mistakes’ free guide below.


17 Catchy Blog Headlines That Actually Work

Regardless how good your blog content is, all your efforts would have gone to waste if nobody reads it. So it’s really important to get your headline right when publishing your article. Ideally, you would need a catchy blog headline to draw your readers to click through to read your blog article.

The main thing to creating an amazing headline is to know your target audience well. Your headline must appeal to them, highlight their pain points and let them know how they will benefit from reading your article.

Below are some examples of catchy headlines that work:-

Tips to Creating Attention-Grabbing Blog Headlines 

1. Use the Word ‘Best’

Everyone wants to be the top of the pack. Nobody wants to be second best. So whenever someone searches a solution or advice on anything, they would most probably key in the word ‘best’ in the internet search engine. 

Examples of the word ‘Best’ in headlines are below:

The Best Guide to Buying Clothes Online

Best Financial Advice You Need to Get Out of Debt

The Best Ways to Lose Weight in a Week

The Best Places to Visit in Europe

2. ‘Making Life Easier’ Headlines

In our face-paced society, everybody wants to solve things fast. So if your headline has the words ‘fastest’, ‘quickest’ or ‘easiest’, then your readers will be inclined to read your article as it will benefit them.

Examples of the word ‘fastest’ in headlines are below:

The Fastest Way to Cooking Beef Casserole

Learn the Fastest Technique to Closing a Sale

Examples of the word ‘quickest’ in headlines are below:

The Quickest Way to Touch Typing

The Quickest Method to Peeling Apples

Examples of the word ‘easiest’ in headlines are below:

Discover the Easiest Way to Become a Freelance Writer

The Easiest Way to Party Planning

3. Adding the Word ‘Simple’ in Headlines

People often fear that they cannot solve certain things if the steps are too complicated. Adding the word ‘simple’ helps to let them know that it will be possible for them to solve their challenges and only minimal effort and time would be required. 

Examples of the word ‘simple’ in headlines are below:

Simple Steps to Prepare Picnic Food

Simple Tips to Learn Piano

4. Create Curiosity with ‘Why do people do certain things’ Headlines

Your readers will admire certain people or groups of people. So if your article content is about revealing why these people do certain things, then your headline should let them know – ‘Why do these peoples or groups do certain things’.

Examples of the word ‘why’ in headlines are below:

Why Rich People Think Before Buying

Why Successful People Never Give Up

5. Let Your Readers Learn from the Experience of Others

Nobody likes to make mistakes. So your readers would like to learn from the mistakes of others so that they can avoid doing things wrongly.

Examples of headlines that talks about mistakes are below:

What I Learned From Summer Camp Changed My Life

Common Mistakes Made by Internet Newbies

6. List to Certain Things

People also like list posts. I guess many like to have solutions and ideas listed so that the brain can easily digest these information.

Examples of headlines that list things are below:

The Ultimate List to Solving Your Monthly Budgeting

Guidelines to Get a Good Sales Result

Top Trends to Buying Shoes Online

7. Headlines That Make Readers Feel Stupid If They Don’t Know Things

Some headlines make the readers feel stupid if they don’t know things. So when viewers read that headline, they would automatically feel that they should read the article so that they won’t look stupid.

Examples of the ‘don’t look stupid’ headlines are below:

Common Mistakes That Would Make You Fail at Your Exam

9 Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Career

Top Facial Cleansing Mistakes That You Must Avoid

8. Headlines That Make Readers Wonder If They Are Doing The Right Thing

This headline often plays on readers’ minds. It makes them feel in doubt whether they are doing certain things right. This will make them want to read your content.

Examples of headlines with this concept are:-

Are You Using The Right Cooking Oil?

Are You Exercising The Right Way?

Do You Have the Right Eating Diet for Your Age?

9. Two Competing Words or Concepts

Whenever your potential readers are uncertain about two competing words or concepts, they would most likely  type ‘word/concept A’ vs ‘word/concept B’ into the internet search engine. So there would be a high chance that your article will be picked up by them.

Examples of headlines with this concept are:-

Wooden vs Aluminium Blinds: Which is Best?

Desktop vs Laptop: Which is Better?

10. Headline That Drives Curiosity

If you have a story that creates curiosity, then there’s an even higher chance that your potential readers will click through to your article.

If you have a story that creates curiosity, then there’s an even higher chance that your potential readers will click through to your article.

Examples of headlines that create curiosity:-

This Guy Taught His Dog How to Talk: Methods Revealed!

Secret Formula to Winning Lottery by Mathematics Student

11. Using Numbers in Headlines

People will be more likely to click through to your articles if you include numbers in your headlines. This is especially the case if you use odd number as opposed to even numbers.

Examples of headlines that create curiosity:-

19 Ways to Feeling Great in the Morning

27 Furniture Ideas for Your Home

12. Headlines That Create Urgency

You can also create urgency to make your readers click through to your content. This can be done by including words such as ‘now’.

Examples of headlines that create urgency:-

12 Money Saving Tips You Should Know Right Now

15 Methods That Will Grow Your Blog Now

13. Stating Things That Readers Didn’t Know About

If you created content that your readers didn’t know about, then there’s a high chance that they will want to read your article.

Examples of headlines state things that readers didn’t know about:-

Secret Power Writing Tips That You Didn’t Know

Newly Released Audio Equipment That You Never Seen

14. Letting People Know That Certain Things Are Myths

People will be eager to read your article if it involves letting them know that certain things that they thought were true were actually myths.

Examples of headlines state things that readers didn’t know about:-

Alien Spaceship Found in Lake Just a Myth

Mermaid Found at the Bottom of the Ocean Was a Myth

15. How to Do Things Like a Pro

As everyone wants to be the best in everything they do, headlines that help them achieve this will be popular.

Examples of headlines lets readers do things like a pro:-

How to Do Video Editing Like a Pro

How to Sing Like a Pro

16. Top Must-Haves

This will make your readers feel as if they are missing out on something if they do not read your article.

Examples of headlines that feature top must-haves:-

Top 10 Great Blog Widgets That You Must Have

11 Most Powerful Kitchen Gadgets That You Must Have

17. Rules That You Should Break

Everybody has a cheeky side. So when your headline gives them ‘permission’ to break certain rules, then they gladly read your content.

Examples of headlines that let you know about rules that you should break:-

17 Crazy Study Habits That You Should Break

Business Writing Rules That Everyone Should Break

Have you tried these catchy blog headlines before and gotten great results? Do you have any other tips to share?


How to Instantly Build Your Online Authority (Even If You’re a Complete Newbie!)

Building your business online can be very daunting. You may have a lot of knowledge, skills, products and services to offer. But when nobody knows who you are, you will find clinching your first customers very challenging! To start gaining more leads and sales, you need to build your online authority. When you build your authority through the internet, you become a thought leader whom people will trust for advice. This will help you to grow your brand and business, especially if you would like to use personal branding to attract potential customers.

If you are a complete newbie and do not know where to start to build an online authority, then follow my top tips below:-

Determine Your Niche

Before you can start building your online authority, you need to decide on the niche you will be focusing on. Making a decision on the niche will help you to narrow down the type of research that will be relevant to growing your authority. This will save you so much time especially during content creation. 

Start a Blog

Contributing articles on a consistent basis on your blog is one of the best ways to start building your online authority. It provides you with an opportunity to research on topics related to your niche. When creating content for your blog, focus on writing quality evergreen content or articles that will be useful to your readers in years to come. When you do you do this, you will benefit from having visitors come to your blog through all your previous articles. You will also find many people linking back to your blog articles, when you provide valuable content. This is the power of creative content marketing.

Write Guest Blog Articles

When you contribute guest blog articles to other people’s blogs, you will expand the reach of your audiences. More people will begin to know about you, your brand and your business when they read your articles featured in other blogs. You also get to foster good relationships with other bloggers in your field, which can be good for future partnership initiatives.

Publish a Book

When you publish a book, you will instantly be seen as an expert in your field, especially when your book receives high ratings and reviews online. With the existence of Amazon, practically anyone can publish their own books and start selling them. So even for a complete newbie, publishing a book is possible!

Be Active on Social Media

Contribute posts, like, share and comment from your social media accounts on a regular basis. When you consistently update your social media accounts and establish a strong social following, more and more people will begin to recognise you as a thought leader and influencer in your chosen field. You can use your social media channels to do content marketing as well by sharing links to your website, blog and video articles. In addition, you can also build relationships with other thought leaders and influencers in your niche. This may be useful for your future initiatives. If you do not have a strong social media following and if your budget permits, you can run some paid advertising through your chosen social media channels to expose your posts and content to potential customers and encourage them to follow you.

Create a YouTube Channel

Not everyone likes to read. So by creating a YouTube Channel, you get to reach potential customers who prefer to learn through videos. When creating your YouTube videos, try to create videos that will teach your viewers how to do things, because this will help your potential viewers to discover your channel faster. For a cheaper alternative, you can just use your webcam or iPhone to record your videos. You can get more fancy with your video equipment later on if you wish.

Host a Podcast

For people who are constantly on-the-go, it becomes a challenge for them to even learn from videos. So you can reach out to them through podcast episodes. You can host your very own podcast channel easily. All you need is a great topic to kickstart your podcast session!

Become a Professional Speaker

There are a lot of speaking spots available globally, especially at industry conferences. Depending in your chosen industry, you can choose to reach out to potential audiences by booking a spot as a speaker at one of these conferences. During your speaking session, you will have the opportunity to deliver a valuable message to your audience, introduce yourself and demonstrate your expertise. The audiences who are impressed with your presentation will want to know more about what you and your business.

Create Information Products

Besides blog articles, you can also create information products to grow your online authority. Information products are a way for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in greater details because they are long-form content. Examples of information products you can create are eBooks, workbooks, special reports and white papers and video tutorials.

Teach eCourses

Apart from information products, you can also conduct eCourses to build your online authority. Teaching online courses are a great way to showcase your knowledge and skills because you get to delve deeper into the topics of your niche through both written and video content. When done properly, this will increase the public’s perception of you as an influencer in your field.

Run Classes and Workshops

Some people prefer to attend live classes and workshops instead of going to online courses. So if your budget permits, then you can also organise classes and workshops to showcase your experience in your chosen niche.

So there you have it – my top tips on How You Can Instantly Build an Online Authority (Even If You’re a Complete Newbie!). These strategies can be used no matter your level of experience in online marketing. If you like what I have shared and would like to receive my future blog updates, don’t forget to join to my newsletter by requesting my ‘7 Copywriting Mistakes’ free guide below.

How to Create Engaging Blog Content

Whether you’re an experienced or new blogger, I’m sure that there would be a time when you have struggled to engaging blog content ideas for your viewers.

Writing a blog post can be really challenging especially if you run out of topics to write about.  The worst thing you would want to do is write an article for the sake of publishing it.

To help you in your future blog posts, I’ve prepared a simple guide that you can follow to determine future article for your website that would engage your readers.

How to Generate Engaging Blog Posts


To help you in your future blog posts, I’ve prepared a simple guide that you can follow to determine future article for your website that would engage your readers.

A really great place to find blog topics that would engage your readers is to visit forums related to your blog niche.

For instance, if you have a website on gardening, you would visit the Gardening-Forums website below to search for topics.

An important tip is to look out for the latest forum posts and see how many readers engage with the post.

You can also go to to search on a topic related to your niche to get ideas on what to write about.

For this exercise, I will type in ‘dancing’ in the search bar of to see what happens.

And as you can see below, below are the articles that have social media engagements based the topic you have searched. You can view the exact number of social media engagements that were generated by each article too.

Google Trends

Another tool that you can use for blog content is Google Trends. With this tool, you will be able to search for trending topics related to a certain topic of your interest. You will also be able to find related topics to the topic that you have searched.

You can narrow down the search based on country.  For this exercise, I have chosen ‘United States’ as the country and ‘music’ as the search term.

Google News

Besides Google Trends, you can also search for breaking news on Google News. What I like about it is that this webpage lets you search by categories and provides you a list of top stories.

Social media shares

The best way to do this is to sign up for social media accounts with popular social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest Twitter and Instagram.

If you actively search for topics related to your blog niche and follow influencers in your field through these channels, you will receive social media shares to see which topics resonate well with readers within your niche.

A good tip is to see which posts have generated a lot of user engagements before attempting to write an article on that specific topic.

Other blogs in your industry

It is also beneficial to visit other blogs that write articles on topics related to your industry or niche. By reading the content produced by other bloggers, you may get more blog ideas on what to write for your next post.


A really cool website that can also help you to get ideas for your blog is All you need to do is let them know what topic you want to search and you will be able to see what questions are posted in the community. You can use these questions for inspiration to write your upcoming article.

Comments from blogs

Besides reading industry related blog posts, you can also get ideas from the comments from each blog post.

For an example, I would type ‘how to make a coffee table + blog’ to find a related blog post in Google Search once I’ve decided on the topic I’d like to write about after searching several other industry related blog posts.

Then I found this really great website called A Beautiful Mess, which teaches me how to create my own coffee table.

After this, I went to the comment section to search for more ideas, and found this comment from Morgan who suggested to make a plant stand.

This could be potentially another blog post for me!


If you have a local bookstore where you live, then you can head to their magazine rack and search for magazines related to your niche. Budget permitting, you can subscribe to several industry related magazines so that you get a continuous flow of ideas for your blog development.

Television shows

Depending on your blog niche, you may be able to find television shows that are directly related to your website. This is especially the case if you own a cooking, home improvement / interior design, financial advice, property, food or travel blogs. 

Conference or event topics

Another really useful tip is to find out conferences and events related to your blog niche. Most often, in the conference or event official website, you will be able to download their event itinerary.  Read through their itinerary and you will be able to see some trending topics that you can write about in your blog. This would definitely be engaging to your audience as these topics have been hand-picked by professionals in the field.

Solutions to your own challenges

Another way to find ideas for your blog post is to write articles that offer solutions to your own challenges. This is of course provided the challenges that you solve are related to your blog niche. In the internet, people are often finding solutions to problems. So if your article can help them to solve their challenges, then you’ll have readers who will appreciate and engage with your post.

And that’s it. I hope you’ll be able to generate some awesome blog content ideas that engage your readers.

Tried any of these tips and managed to produce a great article? Share your successes in the comment section below.


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